The Daily News

Founded in 1919 as the New York Daily Illustrated News by Joseph Medill Patterson and soon after renamed to the Daily News, it was the first successful tabloid newspaper in the United States. It attracted readers with sensational pictorial coverage of crime and scandal, lurid photographs, and cartoons and other entertainment features. By the end of the Roaring Twenties, it had become the largest city newspaper in the world, with a daily circulation of more than one million.

Photographs are a fundamental part of most newspapers today, whether printed or online. A newspaper would be incomplete without them. There are many different types of photographs used in news stories, including those of people, places, and things. Some photos are taken by professional photographers, while others are taken by regular members of the public. Some photographs are even taken by the reader himself or herself, with the help of a camera phone or similar device.

Most newspapers use a style guide to ensure that they follow a consistent format for their articles. This helps to make it easier for readers to understand the story and to find information quickly. A typical news article follows the Inverted Pyramid style, which puts the most important information at the top of the story and the least important information at the bottom. The most important information is often highlighted with a bold or italicized font to catch the reader’s eye.

Human interest stories are also often featured in newspapers. These are usually about a person or group of people whose actions or accomplishments are unusual, interesting, or otherwise noteworthy. Examples of this type of story include a person who has overcome a great obstacle, such as a stroke, or a person who has achieved something extraordinary, such as winning a lottery jackpot. These stories are not newsworthy, but they can be informative and entertaining for readers.

In addition to featuring human interest stories, newspapers often feature news about celebrities, politicians, and local events. They may also feature political ads, sports scores and results, comics, and other entertainment items. Many newspapers also have opinion sections where they share their editorial positions on various political candidates and ballot measure issues, as covered by Ballotpedia.

The Daily News’s reputation for being a hard-hitting tabloid was further damaged in the 1980s, when it ran a series of controversial editorials attacking President Ronald Reagan. In the 1990s, it faced stiff competition from online competitors and a decline in its print circulation. However, it regained its position as a major New York city paper after its owner Mortimer Zuckerman made several big changes. In 1993, he introduced color printing and began paying higher wages to attract staff. These moves boosted the News’s revenue and helped it return to profitability. The Daily News was acquired by Tronc, a Chicago-based media company, in 2017.